Sunday, April 26, 2009

Third Sunday of Easter

Dear All,

Today’s readings are all about amazement, repentance, terror and joy.  The First Reading from the Acts of the Apostles is part of the famous Kerygmata Petrou (Greek for Preachings of Peter).  After curing a crippled beggar outside the temple (before what we read today - Acts 3:1-12), Peter testifies to the power of God at work in their midst.  His point is that neither he nor John cured the cripple, but God himself.  He goes on to point out how they also were ignorant of the true identity of Jesus.  They failed to recognize him, as they did not expect a Messiah who was going to suffer and die.  Peter calls them to conversion now as precondition for their sins to be wiped away.

Luke’s Gospel follows the Emmaus story, after the two disciples had returned to Jerusalem recounting their encounter with the risen Jesus.  He appears among them offering peace.  Initially they were terrified thinking they were seeing a ghost.  To prove that He was real he ate baked fish in front of them.  Proceeding then to connect the teachings before his death with the reality of the risen Christ bringing forgiveness of sins.  At funeral liturgies we hear: In him, who rose from the dead, our hope of resurrection dawned; the sadness of death gives way to the bright promise of immortality.


On Easter Sunday, Jesus did not return to his former life, he broke the bonds of death forever and won for all of us a pledge of eternal life.  This is the good news (that is why we call these books Gospel) that we celebrate during the Easter season – news that is indeed amazing and fills us with joy.

The Second Reading from the first letter of John talks in a very realistic way about our honest desire not to sin, yet as humans, we sometimes fall short.  The message is not to worry, for we have an Advocate who intercedes on our behalf.  The early Church used today’s passage in initiation rituals, starting with confession of sinfulness prior to welcoming converts into the Christian community.

A complete text of the readings at

With God’s Love and Blessings,


P.S. Prayer of Thanksgiving for my brother-in-law Andreas’ successful surgery!!!  Please include him in your prayers for complete and speedy healing.




  1. I liked you Third Sunday of Eastertime reflection, it was 'short and sweet'
